Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Backrub and Workplace Massages

We've proved bodywork can take place anywhere- especially work! The Great Metropolitan Backrub is expert in fully-clothed bodywork, participating in hundreds of events at colleges, businesses and schools throughout the Twin Cities.

Because bodywork is essential to the health and well being of those who work hard, we take our role seriously.
We’re available for on-site massage services around the clock, on weekends and holidays!

Our practitioners are:
• Certified and Licensed
• Professional
• Massage and/or Shiatsu trained
• Knowledgeable about health
• Available around the clock

Our budget rate of $65/hour hasn’t increased in over 15 years
Our minimum is just 2 hours
Our service is available hourly, weekly or monthly
Gift cards for Employee Perks start at $10.00 

“For my busy office, The Great Metropolitan Backrub has made the entire process--
from original setup of the service to invoicing-- entirely painless.” 
-Ryan Theil, Director,
St. Paul Interpreting Center,
Sorenson Communications

By offering weekly, or even monthly, opportunities for your staff to receive bodywork, you can help your employees reduce stress, repetitive injuries, poor sleep habits, and lowered immune response while elevating their metabolism, alertness and mood. It’s a win/win! 
Make the call today to find out more!

Annette Rondano @ 612-221-0131 
762 S. Cleveland Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116

Monday, May 27, 2013

Rejuvenate For Summer: Part IV: Workplace Massage

With the long winter and hours inside working, our bodies have really felt the strain. A good massage helps alleviate much of the built up hours behind a desk, on your feet or behind the wheel.
 Many businesses have started incorporating regular workplace massages and there are a lot of positives. Whether it's employee appreciation, to alleviate stress during crunch time or an added health benefit, it can save money and boost morale.
Here's the lowdown on the benefits of a workplace massage, helping you feel much more limber for the summer months....
Job stress and related problems cost companies an estimated $200 billion or more annually, based on information from the American Institute of Stress and the American Psychological Association.

Workplace massages save money by:
 Increasing energy and morale
Attracting and keeping key talent
Reducing sick days and lateness
Showing your employees that you care
Even a brief massage can significantly improve employee problem solving abilities

The benefits for employees are endless:
Preventing pain caused by excessive repetitive movement
Calming the nervous system
Stimulating blood flow
Increasing immunity to colds and flu
Relieving headaches, migraines and back pain to improve posture
Massage also improves creative thinking and relieves fatigue.  It’s better than a cup of coffee!

Massage can help your team get through a demanding time or reward them for their extra effort. Read our next post, coming soon, on how The Backrub fits into your next workplace massage session.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rejuvenate For Summer: Part III: Let The Sunshine

Quick! The sun is out! Grab your beach towel and don't stop until you hit some sand. Just kidding - there are a lot of things we forget about when the thermometer reaches boiling point. One of them is how our bodies react to it. Heatstroke, dehydration and sunburn are all avoidable by hydrating and wearing sunblock but when it's too late, we have a few natural remedies to help you along....

Sunburn: A cup of Oatmeal or Baking Soda added to a bath helps soothe and heal sunburn faster. Just make sure to time your bath to around 15 minutes - any longer and your skin could dry out even further! If you haven't got time for a bath, apply Aloe Vera to your burn every once in awhile throughout the day to take the discomfort away.

Heatstroke: Did you know onions and their juices naturally control the symptoms of sunstroke? If you want to curb the icky feelings of this ailment, get into some shade and drink plenty of water. You can smell some chopped onions and if you're adventurous and don't mind smelling like one, you can apply onion juice to your palms and soles of your feet.

Dehydration: Of course an easy fix for this is drinking plenty of water but there are also a few things you can add to your water to make it more effective. A combination made with one teaspoon lime juice, one teaspoon sugar, and a pinch of salt added to a glass of water will help keep your fluid and mineral levels replenished. You can also try eating foods that have a higher content of water like cucumber, watermelon, lettuce or spinach.

Remember, a healthy body, healthy food and regular water intake are things that will strengthen our resistance and prevent us from being ill.  
Like us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates and tips on staying well all summer long.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rejuvenate for Summer: Part II: Run Around

Last post's subject gave tips on venturing into the backyard and preparing your body for outdoor spring cleaning. If you're looking to getting past the garden and taking advantage of the paths around the neighborhood, running is the perfect way. The Twin Cities has been named as one of the best cities to run around in, thanks to the beautiful lakes and Mississippi river. Whether you're an avid runner or enjoy a brisk walk around the block, we've got a few pointers for you before you go...

There are a lot of ways to prepare yourself to avoid injury, key word is *stretching*.... A LOT

Great foods to help you fuel your runs (yum!):
Eggs - contains all the crucial amino acids your hard-working muscles need to promote recovery
Sweet Potatoes - have manganese and copper, minerals that help make healthy, functioning muscles 
Whole Grain Bread/Pasta - eat this over white bread/pasta to promote weight-loss and still get the carb-fuel in
Bananas - the potassium helps regulate blood pressure while the carbs give natural energy
 Low-Fat Yogurt - Calcium is crucial to building bone-mass!
Check out the link Running A Thousand Miles for more food advice

Minnesota's heat and humidity can quickly leave you parched. Don't forget to hydrate no matter how hard or easy the run is!

For motivation, get ready for one of these upcoming races:
5K Beer Run! every weekend until the end of June in Minneapolis
Heartbeat 5000 June 22nd in Minneapolis  
Midnight Sun Midnight Run June 28th along Lake Superior
Warrior Dash June 29th in Hastings 
Independence Day Races July 6th in Minneapolis
And many more options when you go to

Check out the Twin Cities Running Club for routes near you and The Running Room has a lot of great advice on training programs, races and getting the right gear.

Did you know that going barefoot is much more beneficial than jogging with traditional running shoes? Posture, balance improvement and less injury are very big factors to consider  for avid runners. For everyone out there who is anticipating the warmer weather as a sign to get out the running shoes and go for a good old fashioned jog, or just want an excuse to go barefoot, here's an infographic to show the growing trend of barefoot running @
Do you have any running tips or marathons you'd like to promote? Shoot us an email: or a friendly Facebook message!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rejuvenate for Summer: Part I: Enter The Yard

Now that it is getting warmer outside (finally!), we are starting to look for ways to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Yard work and spring cleaning is the perfect way to take advantage of this but how do we prepare our bodies after a long winter inside? 

Back, shoulder and knee pain are all very common after the first week of grabbing the rake and tree trimmers. These ailments can easily be avoided by limbering up and using these tips before heading to the yard:

- Warm up! Take a walk around the block and STRETCH those legs and arms

- Lift heavy loads properly: with your knees and legs

- Avoid bending over so much - kneel and try to use kneepads rather than standing for a long period of time

- Don't overdo it with just one job - move around the yard after 15 minutes of one task and work on something else 

- Hydrate! Keep a bottle of water nearby and cool down with some more easy stretches and a shower

Gardening and yard work can be therapeutic so stick to these guidelines to enjoy your hard work - all summer long!

How do you get your body ready for the summer? Let us know via Twitter, Facebook or a good ol fashioned phone call! 651-698-3338 to book your next massage. Happy spring!