Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rejuvenate for Summer: Part I: Enter The Yard

Now that it is getting warmer outside (finally!), we are starting to look for ways to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Yard work and spring cleaning is the perfect way to take advantage of this but how do we prepare our bodies after a long winter inside? 

Back, shoulder and knee pain are all very common after the first week of grabbing the rake and tree trimmers. These ailments can easily be avoided by limbering up and using these tips before heading to the yard:

- Warm up! Take a walk around the block and STRETCH those legs and arms

- Lift heavy loads properly: with your knees and legs

- Avoid bending over so much - kneel and try to use kneepads rather than standing for a long period of time

- Don't overdo it with just one job - move around the yard after 15 minutes of one task and work on something else 

- Hydrate! Keep a bottle of water nearby and cool down with some more easy stretches and a shower

Gardening and yard work can be therapeutic so stick to these guidelines to enjoy your hard work - all summer long!

How do you get your body ready for the summer? Let us know via Twitter, Facebook or a good ol fashioned phone call! 651-698-3338 to book your next massage. Happy spring! 

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