Thursday, March 7, 2013

Event This Sunday plus Essential Oils: Facts & Remedies!

If you are a novice to the great benefits of essential oils, please come to The Backrub's in-store primer this Sunday, March 10th at 6:30pm- it's totally free AND there's a free gift for everyone who comes. Please RSVP via email:

If you can't wait for this Sunday and want to brush up on your knowledge on therapeutic aromas, read on for some helpful facts!

This season is a popular time for remedies for hay fever and allergies. As you may find out on Sunday, aromatherapy expert Nikki Wells has a great source of essential oils from Do Terra that can battle these discomforts caused by airborne allergens: 

Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint are a natural antihistamine for hay fever and symptoms like headaches, sneezing and sinus congestion.  DoTerra Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, approved for internal use.  Some people drop 1-2 drops in a glass of water, and drink (Put oils in glass first, then add water). Effects may be felt almost immediately!

Natural oils like Guard, Breathe and Lemon may also help build children's immune system, especially when they are prone to allergies. On Guard and Lemon from Do Terra can be put in a spray bottle with water and sprayed in areas around the house and car. Applicate Breathe (with a carrier oil) to their chest and hands and get them to breathe deeply with their hands over their nose. The smell and topical application of these oils may help build their immune system without having to turn to medication.

*Please remember: When using a new essential oil on your body for the first time, perform a patch test on a small part of your skin- just in case you have an allergic reaction!* 

There are countless benefits of essential oils in everyday life, from healing emotional stresses to soothing physical pain - The Backrub holds many of the Do Terra oils in-store- check them out on our website HERE. Look out for more posts this month with suggestions, remedies and facts and come down to The Backrub this Sunday, March 10th at 6:30 where Nikki will be sharing her passion with you! 

If you have any suggestions or questions on Sunday or subjects discussed in this post, please email:

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